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Community News: Latest PECL Releases (02.27.2024)


Latest PECL Releases:dio 0.3.0 - drop support for PHP 5 and 7 add type hinting raise TypeError and ValueError for unexpected parameters gRPC 1.62.0 - gRPC Core 1.62.0 update fann 1.2.0 * Tested support of PHP 8.2 and PHP 8.3 eio 3.1.2 - Restored libeio/xthread.h in package.xml eio 3.1.1 - Fixed issue #21: eio_fallocate() tests failed on Fedora 40 - Updated the embedded libeio. datadog_trace 0.98.0 ### Fixes across all extensions - Handle Apache graceful restarts more accurately #2483 - Mark config as immutable and interned to avoid refcounting race conditions #2516 Tracer This release includes Windows dlls for the tracer starting with PHP 7.2. #2230 Windows support is in beta. We recommend carefully deploying the tracer to staging environments and testing it there before putting it to production. We are looking towards stabilizing Windows quickly, so any feedback and issue reports are welcome. Added Enhance logging #2490 This features two new logging options: datadog.trace.log_level allows more fine-grained control over logging (error, warn, info, debug, trace). It follows the RUST_LOG standard. Note that datadog.trace.debug still takes precedence if set. datadog.trace.log_file allows specifying a dedicated target file for any datadog trace logs instead of the default php error location. More log lines were added to allow for observing submitted spans (debug level) and hook invocations (trace level). Add http.route to Wordpress #2491 Changed Have datadog.trace.db_client_split_by_instance also affect mysqli and sqlsrv #2508 Record nested exceptions in the integrations #2514 Evaluate numbers and bools in tags and metrics for sampling rules #2521 Fixed Access to undefined method attempts in LaravelQueueIntegration #2485 Include generated curl_exec spans of curl_multi_exec() in metrics #2505 Remove Symfony Command Hook After Execution #2492 Add zend_try around closing and flushing spans #2507 Make PDO split-by coherent with other DB split-by with service name flattening #2524 Internal No longer compile the mockgen as part of the rust build #2512 Add TEA Benchmarks #2438 Reduce CI and Local Flakiness #2496, #2518 Profiling This release requires System INIs to be used to configure the profiler settings which control the enabling/disabling of individual features. If you are configuring the profiler using php datadog-setup.php config set, you should be fine. We recommend switching to use the config mode of datadog-setup.php to configure profiling. Added Enable timeline by default #2480. This can be disabled by setting the INI setting datadog.profiling.timeline_enabled to 0 or false. Using the datadog-setup.php script is recommended, for example: php datadog-setup.php config set --php-bin all -ddatadog.profiling.timeline_enabled=0 PHP ZTS support for CPU- and Wall Time profiling #2470 Add exception message to exception sample (opt-in) #2434 Changed Breaking-change: require system INIs for profiling features #2468 Internal Update dependencies and pin ahash #2479 Fix clippy::single-match #2482 Update to libdatadog 6 #2513 Refactor: use SystemSettings in locals #2487 Fix accidentally skipped tests #2517 Application Security Management This release introduces support for the Roadrunner application server and extends threat detection and blocking on XML and JSON request payloads. Request and response payloads are now also used to expand the already existing API security features. Added Roadrunner appsec support #2443 Provide server.response.body #2489 Support json/xml request bodies #2499 Changed Change ip header parsing/header reporting #2503 Fixed Fix blocking on PHP 7.0-7.1 ZTS #2502 Ensure logs are committed to disk upon shutdown #2495 Internal Upgrade libddwaf and ruleset #2520

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