
The Coding Studio Inc. Tips

How To Use WebComponents Inside Phoenix LiveView


On August 6, 1991, Berners-Lee published the first website. Yet, today -- almost 33 years later, it's harder than ever to build user interfaces for web apps, and we still have no single standardized way to do that. There's a good reason for that -- we simply don't know what we may need upfront. When an industrial architect designs a building, he knows his limits -- they are defined by physics. But when a web designer creates and describes UI -- the possibilities are limitless. And that's a problem for any standardization process. The Web is evolving so fast, that we can't get used to one set of patterns as new ones emerge, and we drop whatever we are working on to embrace new trendy ideas. In fact, the speed of evolution is so fast, that sometimes we drop projects halfway through to rewrite them using a cool new architecture, library, or framework, breaking deadlines, and failing clients and end users in the process. We are striving to provide our users with the best possible experience, be competitive in the market, and also always stay up to date with modern tech.

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