
The Coding Studio Inc. Tips

Yappa Blog: (En)queue Symfony console commands


The blog has a tutorial posted sharing the method they used to implement queued and scheduled execution of Symfony commands. This is made possible by the Enqueue package. At Yappa, we have always used Johannes' JMSJobQueueBundle to run and schedule Symfony console commands for background jobs. However, we've stumbled upon a much more elegant solution called Enqueue. [...] It's packed with features, supports major brokers such as RabbitMQ, Kafka, Amazon SQS, Google PubSub, Redis etc. and has a bundle ready to be used with Symfony. [...] One downside is that the Enqueue Symfony bundle doesn't provide an out of the box solution to queue Symfony console commands and there's no 100% straight forward way to implement this. In this post I'll cover the basics in setting up the Enqueue Symfony bundle so we can easily queue Symfony console commands! The tutorial then walks you through the installation of the Symfony bundle, adding it to the list of installed bundles and configuring it with basic parameters and queue connection details. Next they've included the code to create the processor used when a command is pushed to the queue. To handle the other side (execution of the command when the queue is handled) they create a "QueuedCommand" value object and a command handler class. With this structure in place they show the addition of test commands to the queue and the result when the queue is consumed.

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